Prank Codes and Programming in VB

I was bored, so I decided to write a VB code that would prevent you from shutting down a VB app. It has worked in most of my tests, but has failed sometimes. It involves shelling the app once it has been closed down:

  • Create a new Standard EXE in vb (I'm using vb6 professional edition) .
  • Copy this and paste it into the form that you want to keep open (i.e Form1) you can change this to suit your needs
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Shell app.path & "\" & app.exename
End Sub
You can also use:
Private Sub Form_Unload
to initialize the code when you shutdown.
  • Add in the rest of your code and create an exe
  • Run the program and press CTRL+ALT+DEL Close the program and watch as it springs back into life!! There are ways around it, but computer idiots will not be able to close it...
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
shell "nameoftheprogram.exe"
End Sub
That is one of the most stupidest thing if ever seen. It closes the program and reopens it. This will use a lot of memory:
If you would use:
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub
this would not close the program at all!
I also discovered a way to make the keyboard go sick. Simply add the line: SendKeys "{Enter}" to a timer The code should look like this:
Private Sub Timer1_Timer
SendKeys "{Enter}"
End sub
Make sure that the timer's interval is set to 1 or higher and the timer is enabled. Make the EXE and run it. Try and type something in Notepad and watch as line after line of ENTERS appear. Replace {Enter} with a string of your choice (RDHACKER ROCKZ!!!!) and watch as the text is typed onto the screen.

Posted by XERO  Thanks to guys at astalavista

1 comment:

  1. unload event will not work if you terminate the process using task manager. unload event will not work if you terminate the process using task manager.


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