Man..what were they thinking ? Where the hell is all badass Dante ? The silver haired demon slayer has been dumped for this skinny juvenile ? & a Reboot ? What happened to Nero ? What about the legend of Sparda ? Man..even Hideki Kamiya, the creator of DmC commented
“I miss him, too…” and later added “I’ve been sad since Dante left me.”In a later tweet when a fan asked the question:
“DmC by Ninja Theory? Do you think they will evolve the action game from your Bayonetta standard?”,Kamiya-san simply said:
“whatever”See ? Dear Folks at Ninja Theory..Better be the game badass, else while this new Dante might prove your last stand.
Well..looking at the trailer, some things pass my mind -
- New Dante looks like ass!
- It might not be a reboot at all (.0001% chance) & this might be the story of an abandoned Dante struggling with his goddamn teenage, & later at the end of game, the prologue of Devil May Cry 3 begins.
- The visuals are improved, especially the blur & sonic effects.
- The new weapon is ass! Except the Sword..I dont like the Daggertail like thing Dante holds..The Dante I knew like to take things Up close & PERSONAL !.
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